Love, being the source and nourishment of all creativity, demands a response.
Many people say they want love, but then they find ways to avoid it. Because love demands a response.
Love evokes in us our realization that we are not alone. It forces us to consider the ultimate truth of interrelatedness. The implications of this terrify the ego.
So we construct false loves. Idols made in the image of love, where we can stay safe from the requirements – the demands that true love places on us.
The truth is that love is not simply in the conventional definitions of romance and springtime and our feelings of fidelity and belonging. It is far greater than a good feeling.
We diminish the concept of ‘love’ the same way we diminish the concept of ‘God’ – by making it into something that is easy to define. By making it something that fits neatly into our own box of desires.
But no. Love is not that thing you own, and it cannot be contained.
It is vast, and deep and powerful.
And love demands a response.