This week I read Ted Gioia’s State of the Culture 2024 (published back in February) and it’s been on my mind a lot because, well, it’s all true. I shared the link on Facebook and one of my friends commented, “The problem with pieces like this is that they sound…
Category: Blog

Blog 6.4.24
Yesterday I met with one of my regular writing partners, and she dropped a comment that I hear regularly from other creatives – one that I struggle to relate to. It was something to the effect of, ‘I waited for the universe to tell me what to do’. Sometimes people…

Blog 6.2.24
The last two weeks have been upside-down. I blame the end of the school year and graduation. Nothing’s wrong, it’s just my schedule has been a mess. Lots of things seem to have been canceled, rescheduled, and interrupted. I also had company from out of town, which was very nice…

Blog 5.22.24
This evening I have the opportunity to lead our koan meditation group, and I spent some time yesterday selecting a koan for us to consider. After reading several, I decided upon Jizo’s “Not Knowing is Most Intimate” as translated in The Book of Equanimity by Gerry Shishin Wick: Attention! Master…

Blog 5.20.24
Being ‘mid’ is supposed to be an insult, or so I’m told. This kind of hierarchical bullshit rating system has plagued me for my entire life. I remember when I was a teenager, the boys would refer to girls as numbers (between 1-10). Then the internet came along and we…

Blog 5.17.24
I miss the internet. This isn’t some “old person” rant where I’m shaking my first at the cloud (digital or otherwise). This is about something bigger and more important to me. It’s about the loss of diversity. Back in the day, people had websites. They weren’t “branded” and they were…

Blog 5.14.24
Yesterday was rainy and dark. Today it looks like the world is in Technicolor. Sun is out, birds are chirping. The greens are greening and the blue is bluing. I’ve been working all morning on my author website, and I think I’m going to take a walk before I start…

Blog 5.13.24
I gave myself a couple days “off” this weekend. Which is to say, I laid around quite a bit and watched TV. I’m glad I did, because I feel a lot more chilled out. On Friday I rewatched the documentary “Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God” which is,…

Blog 5.6.24
Last night before bed I read a short story that reminded me of a time in my life where I was very much alone in the world. So of course, I had terrible dreams. And by terrible, I mean emotionally fraught. They were the kind of dreams that brought back…

Blog 5.5.24
I’m watching American institutions actively demonize young people whose only sin appears to be protesting a literal genocide. I’m watching grown adults I’ve worked alongside for years – who have given lip service to the ideas of justice, equality, and courage with their goddamned MLK quotes and solidarity marches –…