Let me start by saying that over the years, I’ve repeatedly (and publicly) shared, without much elaboration, that I have radical politics and disagree with most of the people I know. The only change is that I decided staying quiet and letting the status quo go unchecked is no longer beneficial.
In the past, I’ve worked within liberal political spheres and encouraged people to vote for Democrats. I went to bat for HRC. I urged people to vote for Biden during his first term. This doesn’t mean I liked either of them, and I made it clear I was voting strategically because, for many years, I believed political reform within the party was possible. In this last presidential election, however, I was *so* aggrieved at the decades-long degradation of the party and the callous disregard for human life by Dem leaders that I felt the responsible thing to do would be to stay silent. If I couldn’t endorse the dem candidate, I could try not to hinder their chances by speaking my true feelings.
I grew up in an end-times Christian cult. We were apolitical. The entire time I was growing up, neither of my parents voted. I registered to vote for the first time when I was 25 and spent years educating myself about politics. I wanted to be part of the process, but I carried much naivety into my political engagement. That is, I believed the party line that Dems are the best (and only) vehicle for accomplishing the things that are important to me. This, even though Dem leadership regularly did things I couldn’t agree with.
But the reality is – and if you have known me for any length of time, you know this – I have strong views that don’t align with most people in this country, maybe in the world. I’m an anarcho-pacifist, and this is the person I have always been. Yes, even as a child. I remember arguing with kids on the playground about the evils of war.
As an adult, working with institutions and trying to hold down a job, I felt it was my duty to suck it up and compromise. So I did. And I kept doing it. Until I couldn’t anymore. I’m no longer affiliated with any organization and work for myself. So I’m really, truly done compromising politically. It didn’t work anyway.
Maybe most people are going through life half asleep, but I pay close attention to what happens in the world and am ruthless in investigating the truth. Growing up in (and getting free from) a cult will do that to you. My reasons for cutting ties with Dems are many, and I’m not at all interested in justifying my position to anyone else. But I would encourage you to consider that I stand on my character. My values aren’t just words – I believe in fairness, equality, compassion, empathy, peace AND justice. I have worked hard to put those values into action over the years. But my values are not being represented in the Democratic party to my satisfaction.
So why switch it up now? Going back to that End Times Cult situation: I grew up believing the world would end – literally – at any moment. The terror of impending doom was used (and abused) to coerce me (and the rest of our cult) into following false prophets and serving interests that were not ours. Which is to say, as an adult, I fucking HATE doomsayers and people who run around trying to manipulate people with fear. It’s one of the things I find anathemic about the environmental movement. I reject any attempt to coerce me with threats.
And yet. At this moment, I cannot see any outcome in this country that is not disastrous for people like me. People like you. Ordinary people who believe in the democratic process and want to live in a functional society that cares for ALL people. I have waited and waited to start screaming about this because, after 20+ years of knocking on doors and trying to convince people that Armageddon is at hand, the last thing I want to do is be a raving doomsayer. The difference now, however, is that my warnings aren’t based on some religious BS. They’re based on three decades of political engagement, a solid understanding of history, and the literal words of the people currently running this country.
You don’t know how much I want this not to be the case. I wish I could live out my silly little life writing novels, making soup, hanging out with my friends, and being a good citizen. But I don’t think that’s in the cards. I keep hoping something will happen that will put egg on my face, and I can just feel like a fool for getting all worked up, then go back to “normal.”
Anyway, I’m telling you this because I want to be clear – I’m not trying to be a dick. I love you, and I want us all to survive and thrive. But prospects in that regard are getting bleaker by the day. And it’s not just because of Trump. These plans have been in motion long before he showed up. I fear many of us are still heavily in denial and even outright hostile to people trying to provoke action. You still think we’re going to go back to how things were and that ‘everything was fine’ before he showed up. It was not. (Just ask a Black American or an American Muslim)
In closing, I’ll say that at a certain point, if things continue this way without swift and serious intervention, it won’t be safe for me to voice these opinions. Then I can stfu and focus on my survival. But remember this, please: in every authoritarian society, people who are willing to go along and look the other way live comfortably while their fellow countrymen (and others who have been deemed unworthy) are hunted down and systematically, permanently silenced. If your personal comfort and safety are so important that you’re willing to ignore those big smokestacks in the distance and look the other way, that’s a choice. History will not be kind to you.
Remember: “peace” under authoritarianism is nothing but capitulation.
That is all.